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Chilean protesters demand breaking relations with Israel

Santiago de Chile, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Hundreds of people, despite the cold, gathered in "Plaza de la Constitución" to repudiate the genocide committed against the people of Gaza and demanded that the Chilean government break relations with Israel.

The rally, in front of the “La Moneda Palace” headquarters of the Executive, was convened as part of the events held on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the catastrophe that the creation of the State of Israel caused to the Palestinian people, known as the Nakba.

“For many years, but mainly since October 7th, various organizations have united to condemn the massacre against the population in Gaza, where more than 35 thousand people were murdered, including many children,” said Rafael Riadi, national coordinator of the Association of Palestinian Entities.

Riadi denounced that even those who are alive suffer from the lack of medicine and food and the constant bombing by Israeli forces, whose objective is to exterminate the population. “We are here to ask the Chilean government, which has expressed itself in favor of the Palestinian cause, to cut relations with Israel,” he said.

Francisca Fernández, from the Movement for Water and Territories in Chile, said that in addition to denouncing the genocide in Gaza, the protesters gathered to raise against the Israeli company Mekorot, which has numerous projects in several Latin American countries, including Chile. Mekorot controls more than 90 percent of the waters in Palestinian territory, yet it denies access to water to the population of Gaza.

Manuel Hasbún, president of the Palestine Information Center, thanked everyone for their participation in the rally and declared that “as mere mortals, it is not possible to remain indifferent in the face of one of the greatest injustices in the history of humanity. I believe the day is coming when the State of Palestine will be established and its flag will fly in Jerusalem,” he said.
