Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Argentine workers protest against Milei’s policies

Buenos Aires, May 16 (Prensa Latina) Members of the State Workers Association (ATE) of Argentina will participate in a mobilization in front of the headquarters of the multinational Techint in the capital in rejection of the measures of the Government of Javier Milei.

The ATE pointed out that its members will meet in front of the headquarters because it considers that this is where decisions are made, and asked Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich not to apply “any unconstitutional protocol that limits or conditions a peaceful mobilization.”

“The Police have to be there to protect and care for the people, not at the exclusive service of the powerful,” said Rodolfo Aguiar, general secretary of the union.

The protest was agreed upon during a plenary session in which more than a thousand delegates from all over the country participated, and who also decided to carry out a mobilization when the Senate votes on the so-called Omnibus Law.

The ATE condemns the adjustment policies implemented by the Executive, the destruction of salaries and pensions, the dismantling of entire areas of the State, the closure of essential organizations and programs for the promotion and protection of rights, the dismissal of workers without justification and the exponential increase in poverty and destitution, and denounces “the attacks on health, education, science, culture and human well-being; the destruction of production and small and medium-sized businesses; the elimination of subsidies and protection policies; the delivery of national sovereignty by giving away natural resources and strategic areas.”

In its address, the union spoke out against the project Law Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines (Omnibus) and demanded the annulment of the anti-protest protocol and the decree of necessity and urgency 70/23, which reforms or eliminates more than 300 regulations.
