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Yemeni Houthis report new attacks on ships in the Red Sea

Aden, Yemen, May 15 (Prensa Latina) Yemen's Houthi rebels today reported an attack on a U.S. Navy destroyer as well as a commercial ship in Red Sea waters, which was docked in the Israeli port of Eliat.

According to Houthi military sources, a military operation was conducted against the U.S. Navy destroyer Maysun with several naval missiles that hit the warship.

They also reported that the merchant ship is known by the name of Destiny and was bombed in a joint operation by naval and air forces.

The attack -the sources add- came after the ship violated the decision to ban the passage of ships bound for the ports of occupied Palestine.

Since last November 19, the Houthi rebels grouped in the Ansar Allah movement proclaimed the decision to attack ships linked to Israel in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, in response to Israeli aggressions against Gaza.

The Houthis control northern Yemen, including the capital, after taking up arms against the government in 2014, an event that sparked a civil war, which continues today.
