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Argentine organizations prepare actions against Milei’s measures

Buenos Aires, May 15 (Prensa Latina) Argentine social organizations, unions and defenders of human rights are preparing the details of actions in rejection of the so-called Omnibus Law and the strong adjustment promoted by the Government of Javier Milei.

After an assembly held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, the General Confederation of Labor, the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA), the Autonomous CTA (CTA-A), the Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora and the Argentine Judicial Federation, among many other groups, are preparing mobilizations and acts of protest against these and other measures being promoted by the Executive.

The Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines (aka Omnibus) is being analyzed in the Senate committees after receiving half a sanction in the Chamber of Deputies, which is why the aforementioned organizations agreed to hold a demonstration when the vote takes place in Congress.

The organizations gathered in the capital criticized the bill and supported the call for demonstrations against the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) 70/23, which reforms or eliminates more than 300 laws and was already rejected by the senators.

“We ratify our commitment to face in unity this very complex scenario, where a neo-fascist government is trying to consolidate colonialism in our society and our country,” said the general secretary of the CTA-A, Hugo Godoy. “Through popular action, we must get the deputies to annul the DNU. It is essential to sustain this state of mobilization and meeting between our organizations so that the people participate,” he added.

In a similar sense, the leader of the CTA, Hugo Yasky, urged to “break with the paralysis that the dominant economic groups intend to impose” and assured that during the last few months, there were two turning points: the march in defense of public education and the general strike on the 9th of this month.

Mothers of Plaza de Mayo’s representative, Taty Almeida, advocated continuing the fight and resistance.
