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Bomb blast kills two civilians in DRC

Kinshasa, May 13 (Prensa Latina) A new March 23 Movement (M23) rebels´ bombing on Monday caused the death of two civilians in Minova, in the province of South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The president of the local civil society organization told Radio Okapi the devices came from the M23-occupied area in Masisi, North Kivu province, adding that Kitalaga, Rudahuba and Kiata regions were also bombed.

The incident came 10 days after bombs were fired on the Mugunga IDP camp in Goma, killing 18 people and injuring about 30 others.

The attack was condemned by the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), and the African Union (AU), among others.
