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Peasants in Cuba perfect work to increase production

Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, May 13 (Prensa Latina) New productive goals are being set today by the farmers of this province of Cuba, to increase food production and greet the 65th anniversary of the First Agrarian Reform Law, this May 17.

The member of the National Association of Small Farmers in Ciego de Ávila, Yoan Carmona, specified that with this objective they made productive contracts with cooperative members and farmers to guarantee territorial self-sufficiency, based on the potential of each associate.

He stated that they have just concluded a process of strengthening the structures of production in the 132 agricultural farms, credit and service cooperatives, with the purpose of simplifying the management mechanisms, taking into account the transformations that the country is making to gain in efficiency. He pointed out that the sector has an important weight in the food program due to its strength in livestock activities, the production of food, vegetables and grains, and the sugarcane branch.

The Ciego de Avila farmers also intend to improve organic functioning, compliance with finances, work planning and increase their contribution to the economic and social development of their communities, highlighted Carmona.

They also plan to strengthen peasant surveillance, promote science and technology forums and technological innovation, agroecological movements from peasant to peasant and advanced producers.

As a salute to the anniversary, the farmers and cooperative members of Avila beautify the units, bateyes and surrounding areas.
