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Russian ambassador reaffirms faith in Russia’s victory

San Salvador, May 13 (Prensa Latina) In the fight against neo-Nazism in Ukraine today, Russia will win, A. N. Khokholikov, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation (concurrent) in the Republic of El Salvador, stated on Monday.

In an opinion article published by Diario El Salvador on the occasion of May 9, the victory day over fascism, the diplomat recounted Russia’s victory in the Great Patriotic War, “which brought to our land so much pain, suffering, destruction and 27 million human victims.”

He highlighted the work of the Soviet Union that “crushed the most powerful and perfect Western military machine of the time” to prevent “a repetition of the tragedy, this time an atomic one, which threatened Russia, and indeed all humanity, with extinction.

However, he pointed out, in less than half a century our common country practically disintegrated according to Hitler’s plans in those days, and the economic and demographic damages of Russians by the transition to liberal capitalism are comparable to the losses of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Regarding Ukraine, “with the direct support from Western governments led by the United States, former Nazi mercenaries from the so-called Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) were declared heroes on a state scale,” he noted.

“The current president of Ukraine, ethnic Jew Volodymyr Zelensky, fully supports this policy, thus betraying the memory of his ancestors (his grandfather fought against the Nazis) and numerous victims of the Holocaust and has become, in fact, a neo-Nazi collaborator,” he added.

He asserted that contrary to what modern Ukrainian ideologues claim, the UPA never carried out classical combat operations against the Red Army.

Its practice, he explained, was a terrorist warfare: attacks on rear units or local authorities, as well as massacres of unarmed civilians, including Poles, Jews and Ukrainians who supported friendship with our country and Soviet power.

In other words, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, of which the current government in Kiev officially claims to be the successor, was in reality an ally of Nazi Germany. And its ideological leader, Stepan Bandera, has become a national hero in modern Ukraine. It is precisely that anti-Russian state that the “collective West” now supports with all its forces, he said.

The ambassador stressed that “Russia does not intend to become a new world hegemon, this is obvious. It wants to preserve its national sovereignty and strengthen its security, protect Russian-speaking citizens from Kiev’s aggressive policies.”

Remembering the achievements of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, I cannot fail to mention with pride and deep appreciation the heroic struggle of their worthy heirs against neo-Nazism in today’s Ukraine. We won in the distant 1945, we will do it today,” Khokholikov pointed out.
