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UN Security Council retakes issue of Middle East crisis

United Nations, May 13 (Prensa Latina) The Security Council will reopen debates on the turbulent context in the Middle East in the first meeting of the month, while the situation worsens for civilians in the south of Gaza.

After several consultations held behind closed doors, the Security Council will retake the issue of the conflict at a crucial moment in the Israeli offensive on the city of Rafah, after the General Assembly recommended reconsidering Palestine’s accession to the UN.

On Friday, the General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution determining that the State of Palestine has qualified to fill a full seat under the organization’s statutes.

According to experts, this is a clear signal of support from the international community, as the situation of civilians calls for a way out of the conflict.

The bill, approved after receiving 143 votes in favor, 25 abstentions, and nine against, prompts the Security Council to consider full membership for Palestine and significant changes to its current status as a permanent observer.

Upon approval, Palestine may exercise the right to occupy a seat among the members in alphabetical order; register on the list of speakers in debates other than Palestinian and Middle East issues; or make statements on behalf of a group, including among representatives of major groups.

However, the situation of civilians forced to relocate once again on Israeli orders warns of the need for clearer measures to stop the suffering after more than seven months of escalation.
