Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Colombia undertakes tourism investments in SW of the country

Bogotá, May 13 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Colombia is committed to the development of infrastructure and the promotion of tourism in Valle del Cauca (southwest of the country) through the approval of 35 projects in 2024 aiming, at improving the competitiveness of the sector.

According to statements by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Germán Umaña, the commitment is to promote sustainable, productive, and inclusive tourism, for the benefit of all involved in the industry in the different territories of the country.

Umaña explained that in the particular case of Valle del Cauca, local populations will benefit from the approval and execution of projects that involve investments of more than 13,375 million pesos (over 3,5 million dollars at current exchange rate), which will impact 27 municipalities in the region.

The total investments for the region rose to 4,943 million pesos (around 1,3 million dollars), destined to strengthen tourism competitiveness.

To improve the infrastructure, two projects were executed for 1,363 million pesos (more than 350,000 dollars) for the construction of piers, which will strengthen regional tourism and river connectivity, and for the construction of modules for the sale of typical products of the Pacific region in the Buenaventura District.

Along these same lines, an investment of 1,978 million pesos (more than half a million dollars) was approved for the strategy to promote the tourism and hotel offering of Valle del Cauca and the capital city, Cali.
