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PNGO urges Palestinian government to declare Gaza a disaster zone

Ramallah, May 12 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) on Sunday urged authorities to declare the Gaza Strip a disaster zone.

In a letter sent to the Palestinian Prime Minister, Muhammad Mustafa, PNGO justified its call by the increase in famine, environmental crisis and the spread of diseases in the coastal enclave.

The PNGO warned about hunger and serious food shortages Palestinians in Gaza are exposed to, the surge in malnutrition, especially among children, as well as the high mortality rates as a result of diseases derived from this scourge.

PNGO also warned about the difficult access to medical and health care, serious environmental pollution resulting from the destruction of sewage networks, inability of municipalities to remove solid waste and the presence of thousands of corpses under rubble.
