Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Wild animals invade residential areas in Angola’s province

Luanda, May 11 (Prensa Latina) The province of Huíla, in Angola, reports today incidents of invasion of wild animals in residential areas, due to the approach of urbanization to the habitat of these species.

In the municipality of Lubango, occurrences of this type were recorded in recent months with a Serval, a species of wild cat from these regions of Africa that was confused with a leopard; as well as the entry into a condominium of a monitor lizard.

The first of these happenings did not result in the death of the animal thanks to the intervention of the authorities, who informed the population that it was a harmless feline, which was located with its cubs and returned to the wild, Angop (Agência Angoleña de Prensa) reported.

The second case, however, did not have the same fate, as the lizard ended up dead at the hands of the security guards of a residential block.

The provincial director of Environment, Waste Management and Community Services, Tânia dos Santos, explained to Angop that the frequency of these animals in urban areas is becoming commonplace, and called on the communities to notify the competent authorities in such cases.

She insisted that the behavior of these species is the result of “habitat conflicts”, since in reality, it is the human being who has invaded the territories that were their natural space and confined them to another.
