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Italian association recalls Cuban revolutionary fighter Celia Sanchez

Rome, May 9 (Prensa Latina) The Italian-Cuba Friendship Association (ANAIC) on Thursday issued a statement commemorating the 104th birthday of revolutionary fighter Celia Sanchez, the heroine of Cuba.

ANAIC published on its official website that this solidarity association with Cuba recounts the history of an outstanding fighter who played a leading role in the insurrectionary struggle, and after the triumph, during the revolutionary process in this country.

As a member of the July 26 Movement, she participated in the preparations to support the landing of the expedition members of the Granma Yacht in December 1956.

She joined the guerrillas in the Sierra Maestra mountain range after carrying out significant missions as an underground fighter on March 19, 1957.

ANAIC stressed that Celia Sanchez was the first woman to carry a rifle in the Cuban insurrection struggle and one of the founders of the Mariana Grajales Women’s Platoon.

After the revolutionary victory on January 1, 1959, she remained a skillful organizer, a quality that characterized her since the first moments of her confrontation with the Fulgencio Batista tyranny, which is why the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, repeatedly highlighted her irreplaceable contribution.

Referring to her and Frank País, another outstanding fighter of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel said, “When the history of this revolutionary stage is written, two names will have to appear on the title page: David and Norma,” both pseudonyms in the clandestine struggle.

ANAIC also highlights Celia Sanchez’s contribution as a Secretary of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and in the Department of Services of the Council of State, to whom, from Italy, the friends of Cuba pay a well-deserved tribute on her birthday.
