Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Cuba seeks more cooperation with Eurasian Economic Union

Moscow, May 9 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Wednesday ratified Cuba's willingness to increase its participation in the development of the mechanisms of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

“As we have said on other times, the Cuban Government grants great importance to economic, trade, financial and cooperation relations with the EEU and its member States, taking as a premise the historic relations that unite us,” the head of State said at the summit for the 10th anniversary of the bloc, held in the Kremlin.

Díaz-Canel underscored the achievements of the Union in the last decade, boosting the growth of the Gross Domestic Product of the member nations (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and Cuba as observers), as well as establishing guidelines for strategic comprehensive cooperation among all stockholders.

“Cuba, from its status as observer State, reaffirms its willingness and interest to have a larger participation in the mechanisms of the Union to move towards deeper integration,” Díaz-Canel stressed.

In that regard, the president commented that Cuba’s National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030 has many matrices of convergence with the priorities of the EEU Declaration, with emphasis on the role of science and innovation.

The Cuban leader further stressed the need to promote the realization of a multipolar world order amid the political, economic and social crisis that the world is going through.

Díaz-Canel urged his counterparts to continue to defend regional stability, while assuring that Cuba will always be ready to support those countries and governments that are committed to respecting self-determination.

The Cuban president took the opportunity to congratulate his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on his recent re-election as president, with broad popular votes.

He noted that precisely May 8 marks the 64th anniversary of the reestablishment of bilateral relations between the Soviet Union and Cuba, a nexus that, in his opinion, contributed to the development of the emerging Cuban Revolution.

Cuba has held the status of observer of the Eurasian Economic Union since 2020, and this is the first face-to-face meeting of its Supreme Council attended by Díaz-Canel.
