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Final results of popular consultation made official in Ecuador

Quito, May 8 (Prensa Latina) The National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador today made official the final results of the popular consultation and referendum of April 21, when citizens rejected questions related to hourly work and international arbitration.

The CNE plenary session reported that since there are no appeals to be resolved related to the previously disclosed data, the publication of the final results of the consultative process in the Official Registry was ordered.

On May 2, the electoral body approved the numerical results of the consultation and opened a three-day period for political and social organizations to file appeals in case of disagreement.

As there were no complaints, this Wednesday the final results of the voting process were finally made official and the Executive will be able to send the bills corresponding to the approved topics to the National Assembly (Parliament).

Within the legislature, there is a proposal to create an occasional commission to process all the bills that President Daniel Noboa will submit related to the popular consultation, although some political sectors oppose this idea.

In any case, the assembly members will have 60 days to approve the legislation related to what was raised in the consultation.

According to the CNE, the ¨No¨ won in two of the 11 questions that Noboa proposed, that is, the questions about security obtained the majority support of Ecuadorians and those about the economy and employment were rejected by almost seven out of every 10 citizens.

A large part of Ecuadorians voted at the polls in favor of the participation of the Armed Forces in internal security matters, approved extradition and approved the increase in penalties for certain crimes, among other issues.

In the opinion of economist Alberto Acosta, the defense of national sovereignty and labor rights prevailed, and also the fear caused by growing insecurity, which will not find a way out with more repression and penal populism.

Legal experts consider that from this moment on Noboa will have no excuses to put a stop to insecurity, although they warn that the implementation of the consultation proposals will not be of much use if social measures are not adopted to reduce inequality.
