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Censorship of TeleSUR is criticized in Argentina

Buenos Aires, May 8 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine representation of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity on Wednesday criticized the decision by the Government of President Javier Milei to eliminate the signal of the multi-state TeleSUR channel from the Open Digital Television in this country.

In a press release, the Network pointed out that the imposed censorship could not silence the truth and accused the current government of attacking everything that means freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

“As we have been repeating since December 10, 2023, when this ultra-rightist, denialist, and blatantly pro-imperialist government took office, Not in our name, Mr. Milei,” the text reads.

Key sectors of Argentine society are ready to defend TeleSUR against this arbitrary and unconsulted decision. In that media, we could learn first-hand about all events that the hegemonic press generally hides or misrepresents,” it adds.

On the other hand, the document assures that the measure was taken because the president “does not want to have uncomfortable witnesses to the actions of his misgovernment.

For this reason, it also prevents the work of those who made the work of Télam possible and closed all its correspondent offices. It also emptied the content of Public Television and Canal Encuentro and lashed out against any critical opinion, demonizing it through his spokesperson or the networks, the document says.

The Network reiterated its rejection of Telesur’s censorship and promised to continue spreading its message through all possible means.

This is an indispensable act of cultural self-defense, it affirmed.
