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Guatemalan social sectors support President Bernardo Arévalo

Guatemala, May 8 (Prensa Latina) Social sectors in Guatemala support President Bernardo Arévalo amid the situation with the head of the Public Ministry and Attorney General Consuelo Porras.

After a provisional protection granted by the Constitutional Court to Porras, in response to an appeal filed by her, a group of people expressed their support for the Government’s measure to remove her from her post.

Last Sunday night, the president announced on television an initiative to reform the Organic Law of the Public Ministry and be able to dismiss the minister, before presenting it personally to Congress on Monday.

Porras, who appeared before the high court before the measure was announced, pointed out at a press conference on Tuesday that the president’s actions violate the Constitution.

The secretary general of the presidency, Juan Gerardo Guerrero, explained that this does not indicate any specific act that the president, “or we as lawyers of the State, must correct. We have acted under the framework of the Constitution and the principle of legality and we will continue to do so,” he stressed, adding that “we will make all necessary efforts to purge the country of the scourge of corruption.”

Constitutional lawyer Edgar Ortiz, in turn, noted that it is important to consider that the protection was requested “before” Arévalo’s proposed law. “It does not affect its course” since it seeks to maintain the alternation of power according to the current law that does not allow the removal of the president, he stated.

“It was a preventive action (by Porras) in the face of a possible unrealized dismissal,” he emphasized.

The National Business Council (CNE) issued a statement stressing that Porras is unsuitable for the position, while her six years at the head of the Public Ministry have resulted in a setback in the fight against corruption.

“We support the efforts to ensure that Porras leaves his post as soon as possible without detracting from the autonomy and independence of the institution,” it commented.

“It is for the reconstruction of the necessary Rule of Law, essential for the functioning of a healthy economy that can attract investment and generate employment,” the CNE concluded.

jg/llp/oda /znc