Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Japan completes new release of Fukushima plant water

Tokyo, May 7 (Prensa Latina) The release of the fifth batch of treated radioactive wastewater from Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea ended on Tuesday, its operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO), informed in this capital.

In this discharge, the first of the 2024 fiscal year, TEPCO released about 7,800 tons of treated water, with a total of approximately 54,600 tons expected during the year.

The company informed that no abnormal tritium levels have been detected in nearby waters. Before the discharge, the water used to cool molten fuel at the plant passes through an advanced liquid treatment system that removes most radionuclides except tritium.

The company plans to conduct another six rounds of discharges this fiscal year, with the next likely to begin later this month or in June.

Fukushima’s wastewater discharge began in August last year, and TEPCO discharged about 31,200 metric tons in four batches by the end of the 2023 fiscal year.

Although TEPCO has detected tritium in samples collected near the outlet into the sea, the levels are well below the World Health Organization (WHO)’s limit of 10,000 becquerels for drinking water.
