Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Argentinian ex-officials criticize Milei’s stance on Falkland Islands

Buenos Aires, May 6 (Prensa Latina) The former Argentinian Secretary for Falkland Islands, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Guillermo Carmona criticized on Monday the stance of Javier Milei's Government on the islands, and accused him of being ‘an agent of colonization.’

On an interview granted to the BBC radio and television network, the president considered that the lately visit of the British Foreign Minister David Cameron to the Falkland Islands did not constitute a provocation because ‘that territory is nowadays in the hands of the United Kingdom and it has every right to do so.’

Milei further reaffirmed his admiration for the former Prime Minister of that country Margaret Thatcher.

On X, Carmona condemned the words done by the head of State pointing out that ‘not categorically reassuring Argentinian sovereignty, arguing on the basis of the war outcome and legitimizing the illegal British occupation breaks the historic political and diplomatic position of Argentina and is functional to the British interest.’

The damage that this sort of expression does to our reputation is immeasurable. With what arguments and conviction will our diplomacy request the continuity of the broad international support that Argentina has from this position of the President?’ he added.

Milei’s speech was also questioned by the Governor of Buenos Aires province Axel Kicillof, and the Secretary General of the Workers’ Association Hugo Yasky, that accused him of being a “traitor who insults the country and its heroes.”

Meanwhile, the former Executive Secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty Sacha Llorenti asserted that the position of the leader of Freedom Advances is a betrayal of the entire region.
