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Glas’ defense to present appeal in Ecuador

Quito, May 6 (Prensa Latina) The legal defense of Ecuador's former vice president Jorge Glas, who is currently detained in a maximum security penitentiary, will file an appeal this week seeking his release.

In a conversation through social networks, one of his lawyers, Francisco Hidalgo, referred to the situation of the former official, who has been on hunger strike since his arrest a month ago during the assault on the Mexican embassy in Quito, where he was a political asylum seeker.

As for the legal prognosis, Hidalgo explained that there are three possible scenarios, one of them and the most optimistic one is that his freedom is granted and the corresponding safe-conduct is granted due to his asylum status granted by Mexico.

Likewise, the court could ratify the current situation or could overturn what was done in the first instance, where it was already determined that his imprisonment was “illegal and arbitrary”, although they ratified his imprisonment for having a pending conviction for alleged corruption.

Hidalgo criticized the Ecuadorian judicial system, which he described as politically influenced, especially in high-profile cases.

Bolivia’s former ambassador to the United Nations, Sacha Llorenti, was one of the guests at the virtual meeting and expressed the urgency of maintaining attention on this case due to its seriousness.

Regarding the raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito, where Glas was staying, Llorenti stated that the act constitutes an attack against diplomatic law and the right to asylum, sacred values in the relations between States.

“The inviolability of diplomatic headquarters has been pulverized in Ecuador, which constitutes a threat to all Latin America”, said the former diplomat.
