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Syrian President says ¨support to the resistance is unchangeable”

Damascus, May 5 (Prensa Latina) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reaffirmed on Sunday the steadfast support of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, which has ruled the nation since 1963, to the struggle and resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupier.

As the party’s secretary general, the head of State expressed his stance at a meeting of the Central Committee of this political institution at the Omayyad Palace for Conferences and Conventions in Damascus.

As long as the situation does not change and rights are not returned to the Palestinians and Syrians, our position will not change one iota, al-Assad said.

The president added that Syria will not hesitate to offer everything in its power for the Palestinians and their resistance against Israel.

As for the current Israeli war on Gaza, al-Assad deemed that it has brought the Palestinian issue back to the forefront at the international level, as ever before seen since the emergence of this conflict in 1948.

Justice of this cause has become crystal-clear at the global level and the criminal truth of Israel has been unveiled, even the support for the Israeli regime has decreased worldwide, even in the Western countries, he stated.

The leader added that Gaza revealed the truth of many regimes and distinguished the honest from the hypocrites in the world, and it also unmasked the West and its alleged values, civilization, humanity and civility, as well as its claims for freedom and democracy.

All the aforementioned is just proven by the repression of student demonstrations in American and European universities despite the fact that those protests are arranged to be bound by law and the Constitution, Al-Assad pointed out.
