Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Hungarian Prime Minister says Europe is playing with fire

Budapest, May 3 (Prensa Latina) European leaders are playing with fire by getting involved in a conflict in Ukraine that may lead to a new world war, said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The dignitary stated on the Kossuth radio station that each day, the leaders of the countries of the community are taking more steps in the direction of a world conflict, even though the majority of the people are on the side of peace.

“We did not want to participate in the First and Second World Wars, and we will not allow Hungarians to be dragged into a world war for the third time,” Orban said.

The Prime Minister stressed that he considers the discussions of the leaders of the European Union and several countries about the war in Europe and the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine to be dangerous, which may indicate their true intentions. “We are on the brink of war and peace,” he said. “I consider it very dangerous, and I am worried about the future of Europe,” he admitted.

Orban also noted that the conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia had an extremely negative impact on the European economy.

Answering a question about the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO, he recalled that in 1999 Hungary had just joined the alliance and had to provide its airfields for its aircraft.

Orbán obtained assurances that Hungary would stay out of the conflict in the Balkans. Thanks to this, a war with Serbia and damage to relations between the two countries for many years could be avoided, said Victor Orban.
