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Ecuador approves outcomes of referendum and popular consultation

Quito, May 2 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador’s National Electoral Council (CNE) approved on Thursday the numerical outcomes of the referendum and popular consultation, after reviewing the records of the 24 Provincial Boards and the Special Board of the Exterior.

The CNE’s Vice President Enrique Pita explained that from this moment on, a three-day period will be open for political and social organizations to lodge appeals to the governing institution of the elections in the country or to the Electoral Disputes Tribunal.

If there are no complaints, the definitive results of the 21 April voting process will be proclaimed and the Executive will be able to send the drafts of the popular consultation law to the National Assembly, the CNE reiterated.

Last week, the official vote count and processing of the minutes of the referendum and popular consultation here concluded, and the data released confirmed the majority rejection of the hourly work and international arbitration.

The numbers on the CNE’s official website reiterated that the No vote won on two of the 11 questions proposed by President Daniel Noboa.

While the questions on security received majority support from Ecuadoreans, those on the economy and employment were rejected by almost seven out of 10 citizens.

A large part of Ecuadoreans voted in favor of the participation of the Armed Forces in internal security matters, approved extradition and gave the green light to ramping up penalties for certain crimes, among other issues.
