Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Japanese people consider unnecessary to ammend Japan’s Constitution

Tokyo, May 2 (Prensa Latina) A survey released today reportedly shows that 65% of the Japanese population considers it unnecessary to rush to discuss revisions of the Constitution in Parliament.

This is reflected in a survey conducted by the Kyodo News agency, despite the hope of the Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, to amend the Constitution while he is in office.

While 75% of respondents said it was necessary to review the Constitution, which was drafted by the U.S.-led occupation forces after World War II and has never been amended, there was division over the reworking of Article 9.

In that particular article, which specifically refers to the country’s rejection of war, 51% favored amending it, and 46% opposed the measure.

Kishida has said he intends to revise the Constitution during his term as president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which runs until next September.
