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US Cutter James leaves wake in Uruguay

Montevideo, May 1 (Prensa Latina) Ministers of Defense Armando Castaingdebat and the Interior Omar Paganini will have to answer before Parliament about the irregular entry of the US Coast Guard vessel James Cutter, it was reported on Wednesday.

The heads of both ministries will be summoned by the senators of Frente Amplio (FA), after the vessel docked last April 27 at the port of Montevideo without parliamentary approval, as established in the Constitution.

After protests by several FA legislators, the ministries of Defense and the Interior sent a letter to the parliamentarians in which they admitted that there was a “procedural error” regarding the docking of the ship.

In the letter, they noted that due to the “material impossibility” of “being able to complete the corresponding parliamentary procedure, any activity of a military nature that the ship could carry out in coordination with the Armed Forces was left without effect.”

It added that the permanence of the Cutter James would only have a “protocol function, as well as the normal refueling and resupplying.”

The US Coast Guard vessel departed on April 28. jg/jav/ro/ool