Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Mobilization of Argentine workers begins

Buenos Aires, May 1 (Prensa Latina) Thousands of people mobilized on Wednesday in Buenos Aires and other Argentine cities in defense of workers' rights and against the policies implemented by the government of President Javier Milei.

“Here we are the workers, not the upper class. We are marching against this regime that betrayed the people and we defend a national plan of struggle. Yesterday a crime was committed against workers and pensioners in the Chamber of Deputies, where the Omnibus Law was approved. We demand that the senators reject it. If they do not do so, we will continue in the streets,” Juan Pablo Fernández told local media.

The general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor and leader of the Truck Drivers Union, Pablo Moyano, stated that today is “a horrible, sad, bitter and hot day.”

We reject what happened yesterday in Congress. With today’s mobilization and the strike on May 9 we demand the senators not to support a law that gives away our rights. This law includes a labor reform, restores the income tax and empowers the president (Javier Milei) to do anything for a year, he said.

The president will be able to close state companies and there will be more layoffs. They are going to privatize institutions such as Aerolíneas Argentinas and Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos, they increased the retirement age for women and the severance pay has to be paid by the employees themselves. They did not vote in our favor, he asserted, adding that next week’s strike will be historic.
