Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Thousands of Cuban workers parade in Santa Clara

Santa Clara, Cuba, May 1 (Prensa Latina) With the slogan "For Cuba, together we create," hundreds of people paraded in front of the Ernesto Che Guevara Monument, in this city, on Wednesday, to celebrate International Workers' Day.

The parade, opened by combatants of the Cuban Revolution, young people, and the Industrial Union workers, filled the Che Guevara Square, in front of the monument where the remains of the Argentine-Cuban commander rest in this central Cuban city.

The Industrial Union bloc was made up of more than 4,000 workers from the “Primero de Mayo” National Domestic Utensils Manufacturer (INPUD), and the Fabric Aguilar Mechanical Factory, on the 60th anniversary of their establishment by Commander Guevara when he was the Cuban minister of Industry.

Present at the parade were students and professors from the Marta Abreu Central University of Las Villas, communication technicians, primary and high-school teachers, and defense civilian workers.

Tania Beatriz Pedraza, general secretary of the union section of ETECSA Villa Clara administrative region, who was recently awarded the Jesús Menéndez medal, told Prensa Latina on Wednesday,

“This parade has a significant meaning because we could show the world the enthusiasm of the communications, computer, and electronics workers, along with thousands of workers and students who led this patriotic demonstration.”
