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Cubans remain firm and united with the Revolution, union leader says

Havana, May 1 (Prensa Latina) Cubans remain firm and united around the socialist Revolution, defending their ideals of independence, sovereignty and social justice, the general secretary of the Cuban Workers' Confederation (CTC), Ulises Guilarte, said on Wednesday.

At the main event on International Workers’ Day, held in Havana’s Anti-imperialist Tribune, the labor leader noted that the millions of Cubans who are involved in mobilizations this May 1 nationwide demonstrate their commitment to the Revolution.

Guilarte pointed out that Cuba’s current socioeconomic context is complex and adverse, due to the intensification of the United States’ policy of maximum asphyxiation, as well as the country’s own internal inefficiencies.

“This negatively impacts consumption levels, the shortage of food and medicine, the loss of purchasing power of salaries and pensions,” he said.

Guilarte commented that there is not a single sector in Cuba that is not affected by Washington’s economic, commercial and financial blockade, which also has an impact on the lives of workers and the fulfillment of their work.

Given these circumstances, he stressed that the celebration of the world proletariat’s day in Cuba has been dedicated to the heroism of the Cuban people, who concentrate their efforts on economic recovery as the fundamental battle.

The CTC leader considered it urgent, in this scenario, for workers to maximize the working hours and increase the items linked to food exports and production.

“There is no doubt, there are good experiences in all territories in the country that show that it is possible, that productive efficiency can be achieved by overcoming the limitations of material and financial resources,” he added.

The union leader called to work to consolidate the socialist state company and, in this way, ensure the increased supply of goods and services that favors the reduction of prices.

All of this is in a constant process of linking with the non-state sector of the economy, which demands greater attention and protection of the rights of the workers who make it up, he stressed.

The CTC general secretary ratified the Cuban union movement’s commitment to re-boosting the economy in 2024.

He emphasized the importance of control and oversight of resources, as well as maintaining the incessant fight against corruption, indiscipline and illegalities.

On behalf of all Cuban workers, Guilarte condemned the genocide committed by Israel’s forces against the Palestinian people.

He assured that Cuba “will keep the flags of solidarity with the union movement high.”

Guilarte ratified Cuba’s commitment to the permanent battle against injustice, inequality and the establishment of a more just and equitable international order.
