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Cuban president calls on people to fill the squares on May 1

Havana, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel called on people to fill the squares throughout the country to celebrate May 1st, International Workers' Day.

“Emotional days always precede the celebration of May Day in #Cuba. There are only hours left for us to commemorate together the International Workers’ Day,” the head of State wrote on X.

Cuba is finalizing details to celebrate Workers’ Day which annually brings together thousands of nationals and foreigners in this capital.

This year, the José Martí Anti-imperialist Tribune will be the main venue of the event, where nearly 200 thousand persons from five municipalities of Havana will attend.

Also, in the rest of the provinces, the main squares will be ready to welcome the multitude of Cubans who will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the first workers’ parade held after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959.

According to Ulises Guilarte, secretary general of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, on May 1st Cubans will demand the end of the US economic blockade and the exclusion of the island from the illegal list of countries allegedly sponsoring terrorism.
