Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Event in Toronto causes new disagreement between India and Canada

New Delhi, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) India issued a strong protest to Canada for the use of threatening slogans against India at an event in Toronto led by Prime Minister Justin Troudeau.

In a meeting with the Deputy High Commissioner of Canada in New Delhi, the Indian Foreign Ministry expressed to the Canadian diplomat the government’s deep concern and strong protest over what it considered the permissibility and uncontrolled continuity of disruptive actions during the event.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted in a statement that this illustrates once again the political space that separatism, extremism, and violence have in Canada. “Their continued expressions not only impact relations between India and Canada, but also encourage a climate of violence and criminality in Canada to the detriment of its own citizens,” the statement says.

According to news reports, Trudeau participated in an event in Toronto where posters reading “Modi Wanted” were displayed.

In September 2023, ties between the two countries deteriorated to the point that New Delhi suspended for about two months the procedures at its consular offices in Canada because of Ottawa’s poor guarantees for the safety of Indian diplomats due to the appearance of violent and threatening posters against them.

In addition, the Indian Foreign Ministry called for consultations with the Canadian High Commission to dismiss one of its officials who, according to New Delhi, interfered in internal affairs and participated in activities directed against India.

Indian authorities also strongly rejected statements made by Trudeau and his Foreign Minister, Melanie Joy, regarding the alleged responsibility of the Indian government and its Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in violent events in Canada.

India dismissed such allegations and criticized Ottawa’s inaction on violent individuals on Canadian soil who threaten India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also denounced that these elements openly receive the sympathy of Canadian political figures.
