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Violence persists in Ecuador despite state of emergency

Quito, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) Violence persists today in Ecuador despite the militarization and the state of emergency President Daniel Noboa decreed again on April 19.

On Saturday night, three people died and two were wounded during a shooting at a rehabilitation clinic in the city of Guayaquil, in the coastal province of Guayas.

According to authorities, the health center was operating clandestinely and after the events it was closed down.

Earlier, seven men were massacred in the town of Nobol, in the same jurisdiction, when they were traveling on a tricycle and were surprised by gunshots, their bodies were thrown between the road and rice fields.

The police suspect that the victims were part of a criminal gang dedicated to extortion and were trying to collect the ransom for a stolen motorcycle.

Despite the declaration of internal armed conflict, states of exception and military in the streets, violence does not stop in this South American nation, with murders, shootings, extortions, kidnappings and prison riots.

Last Sunday, during the voting day of the popular consultation and referendum, Ecuadorians approved nine questions regarding security issues and rejected two related to labor hours and international arbitration.

The results of the elections reflected the citizens’ concern about insecurity, over the support for President Daniel Noboa’s proposal.

Experts in legal matters consider that now Noboa will have no excuses to put a stop to insecurity, although they warn that the implementation of the proposals of the consultation will not be of much use if social measures are not taaken to reduce inequality.
