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Lula to define strategy before the advance of the extreme right wing

Brasilia, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said today that he wants to organize a meeting with democratic heads of government to define a coordinated strategy to face the advance of the extreme right in the world.

“I want to organize, with the so-called democratic presidents, to define a strategy to confront the growth of the extreme right,” Lula told journalists at the Planalto Palace, seat of the Executive Power in Brasilia.

He communicated that he raised his proposal to the head of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, and to the French leader, Emmanuel Macron.

He also notified that he will discuss such suggestion with other progressive leaders before the United Nations General Assembly, scheduled for September in New York, United States.

He said he will travel to Chile in May, where he expects his counterpart Gabriel Boric to call other leaders to a political coordination meeting.

For Lula, the case of the extreme right is global and constitutes a democratic setback, since it represents an advance of racism, xenophobia and an agenda of customs that persecute minorities.

He mentioned in this regard the growth of the ultra-right in Europe and the United States, which in January 2022 made an attack on the Capitol.

“Today, the press does not speak, but in the United States there are 450 prisoners for the attack on the Capitol. It was an attack to democracy…. We are living a new period”, the founder of the Workers Party certified.

He compared that invasion with the assault on the Brazilian capital’s headquarters of the Three Powers on January 8, 2023, carried out by radical followers of former governor Jair Bolsonaro, under shouts of military intervention and in rejection of his assumption of power.

Finally, Lula defended the confrontation, “at international level” of the “growth of the extreme right in its nuances”.
