Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Argentine workers protest against Milei’s visit to Bariloche

Buenos Aires, Apr 19 (Prensa Latina) The State Workers Association (ATE) informed that its members have blocked the access to the Bariloche airport and the roads to the Llao Llao Hotel to express their disagreement with a visit by Argentine President Javier Milei.

According to ATE General Secretary Rodolfo Aguiar, the members of that organization in the province of Río Negro declared the president a persona non grata and rejected his participation in a closed-door forum with the richest business people in the country.

The president must know that the people of Rio Negro do not welcome him. Since he took office, more than 50 billion pesos (59 million dollars) have stopped flowing into the province. At this moment in Argentina, there is a co-participation of losses.

The only ones that grow are the taxes that remain in the hands of the central State, Aguiar pointed out.

He also denounced thousands of layoffs in public administration and the damages caused to the workers by the Government’s measures.

Those who receive him in Llao Llao are his bosses and they will give him the orders for the next months. They want to continue to impoverish the people and plundering all the wealth of our country. His visit to Bariloche is not casual. He came to continue to hand over the Patagonia to foreign billionaires, Aguiar asserted.

On the other hand, he questioned the increase in salaries of members of the Executive while citizens are affected by the impact of a strong adjustment plan.
