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Surveillance notice in Panama due to extreme solar radiation rates

Panama City, Apr 12 (Prensa Latina) The Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Panama (Imhpa) today issued a surveillance notice due to extreme rates of type B ultraviolet radiation.

According to expert Emanuel Velásquez, the measure will be in force until next Tuesday, April 16, since favorable atmospheric conditions exist for high levels of risk when the population is exposed to the sun’s rays.

Velásquez specified that the most affected area is the Pacific coast, which will register higher rates. Meanwhile, in the Caribbean sector it will be more varied and will depend on the cloud cover that occurs.

According to his report, people should be attentive to the time of direct exposure to the Sun and avoid impacts on the skin such as burning, irritation and burns.

The areas under warning in the Pacific are Chiriquí, southern and central Veraguas, Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, Panamá Oeste, Panamá, Darién and the Emberá region.

On the Caribbean side, the observation territories are the western province of Bocas del Toro, the Ngäbe-Buglé and Guna Yaka regions, as well as northern Veraguas and Colón.
