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Venezuela will have free and verifiable elections, says Maduro

Caracas, Apr 3 (Prensa Latina) Ahead of imperialist campaigns seeking to damage Venezuela, we will have free and verifiable elections, President Nicolas Maduro assured on Wednesday on X.

The Venezuelan leader reaffirmed that the Bolivarian Republic “has the most reliable, transparent and audited electoral system in the world”, and what is going to happen between heaven and earth is being marked. “We will follow our own path!”, Maduro claimed.

During past Monday´s TV program Con Maduro +, the head of state called for cessation of smear campaigns against Venezuela and also assured there will be verifiable and guaranteed presidential elections on July 28.

Maduro denounced that behind such disqualifying crusades is the national extreme right wing and the United States, which intend to delegitimize the elections.

The circus has begun and there are “nerves in Washington, in the oligarchy and the regional right wing”, for which he called to leave those nerves behind because Venezuela has the “most reliable and transparent electoral system in the world”.

He stressed that it is the “most reliable, transparent and audited” system on the planet, which can be checked before, during and after elections with more than a dozen audits.

Maduro asserted that imperialism likes to play ahead of the game and they think they are smarter than us, and added that they always join any campaign that harms Venezuela, either by lying against the electoral system and its guarantees, he added.
