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Cuban heritage city promotes actions to celebrate 510th anniversary

Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, April 3 (Prensa Latina) The heritage city of Sancti Spíritus or Holy Spirit, in the center of Cuba, today promotes actions to celebrate the 510th anniversary of its foundation next June 4.

“Since the end of 2023, we have been dreaming of how to celebrate 510, which would lead to a material, economic and social transformation,” Bárbara Mínguez, president of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power in the fourth Cuban town, told Prensa Latina.

She specified that we are working with the City Conservator’s Office and other entities on the transformations we wish to achieve.

Mínguez highlighted that each city has its traditions and Sancti Spíritus has its own, which is why within the broad construction and cultural program, the focus has been on rescuing and restoring the emblematic places in the main area of the city. We have had a guide in said Office based on the priorities in heritage conservation and we will work on the entire area of the boulevard, from Independencia Street (formerly Real) to Jesús Park where the old Church of Jesús Nazareno is located, he indicated.

We intend to restore the fountains of the parks located in what is known as Paseo Norte and in Jesús Park, which would change the image of those places, she stressed.

She highlighted the work carried out by the City Conservator’s Office in the upper part of the Market Square, on the central Sancti Spiritus boulevard, to open a Convention Hall there.

The construction actions in the town include the general repair of the Julio Antonio Mella primary school, an educational center that she described as emblematic of the municipality.

In gastronomy, she mentioned the Sicilia pizzeria where she assured that the change can already be seen, as well as the improvements to the offices of the Family Doctor and Nurse, and the work in the Nursing Home.

The president of the local government body commented that she continues painting the facades of the homes and pointed out that the greatest weight is in the historic urban center, where the Main Parish Church, one of the three architectural jewels of the city, will be retouched.

We will continue the cleanup of the Yayabo River, where the Palmares Sancti Spíritus Extra-Hotel Branch promotes the expansion of the Yayabo Tavern, restores the health of the old El Liana cafeteria and plans to rehabilitate the facility where the El 19 restaurant was located.

Among the actions of the Curator’s Office to entertain the fourth of the first seven towns founded on the Island by the Spanish is the renovation of the City Interpretation Center, better known as the Maqueta, she added.

All this is coupled with countless cultural activities to be carried out in the last week, before June 4 -the founding date of the town-, where workshops, art exhibitions, concerts and proposals for children are planned, she said.

She recalled that this anniversary is also dedicated to the 110th birthday of the Clave Choir, the only exponent of its type in Cuba.

What we do based on 510, continues after June 4 since many of the construction actions will conclude by that date but others during the year, because there are works that, due to their magnitude, need to be divided into several stages, she explained.

She announced that the cultural artistic gala is on June 3 and the Solemn Session of the Assembly on the 4th, a space where personalities and entities are recognized with awards and distinctions.
