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UN rapporteur calls for sanctions and arms embargo against Israel

Ramallah, Apr 3 (Prensa Latina) The UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, insisted on an arms embargo and sanctions against Israel, and called to put its leaders on trial.

In her account on X, she also called for establishing a registry of damages in the Gaza Strip and an international protective force in the occupied territories. “Israel’s executive and military leadership and its soldiers intentionally distorted the fundamental rules of international humanitarian law – distinction, proportionality, and precaution – in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people,” she denounced.

Albanese accused Israel of deliberately redefining the categories of human shields, evacuation orders, safe zones, and collateral damage to conceal its genocidal campaign. She also criticized the policy of forced displacement of the Palestinian population.

This weekend, the rapporteur accused Israel of trying to starve the population of Gaza. “Ask yourself how you would feel if a country starved you and your children by halting food at the border, bombing food dropped from the air to bypass the blockade, and shooting people queuing for the few aid trucks allowed to enter,” she wrote on the same social network.

Albanese’s questions had as a backdrop the massacre that occurred a day earlier in the city of Gaza when Israeli soldiers opened fire on a crowd of citizens waiting for the arrival of vehicles loaded with food.

Last month, Albanese advocated for “an urgent suspension of all arms transfers (state-managed or private)” to Israel.
