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Egypt’s President outlines his government priorities

Cairo, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi outlined on Tuesday his government's agenda for his third term in office after being sworn in.

“I reaffirm my commitment to follow the path of building up our nation and fulfilling the aspirations of the Egyptian people to create a modern democratic State,” El-Sisi ensured on a speech after taking the oath of office at the Parliament building in the New Administrative Capital, located some 45 kilometers from Cairo.

El-Sisi described the working goals for his new six-year term, covering politics, foreign affairs, economic reforms, social protection and urban development.

The president pledged to strengthen balanced relations with all nations to enable the country to maintain its role in promoting global peace, security and development.

Regarding foreign relations level, the priority is to protect and preserve Egypt’s national security in a turbulent regional and international environment, the head of State stressed.

El-Sisi further reaffirmed his commitment to pursue strategies that maximize national resources and economic capabilities.

In addition, the leader assured that the State would adopt comprehensive institutional reforms to ensure financial discipline and achieve effective governance.

El-Sisi triumphed in the elections held in December after obtaining 89.6% of the valid votes, according to data from Egypt’s National Electoral Authority.

The president was elected for the first time in 2014 after winning 96.9% of the ballots and in 2018 for the second time by achieving 97% percent.
