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ALBA Movements reaffirms support for Venezuelan presidential election

Caracas, Apr 1 (Prensa Latina) The social and popular movements of Our America, articulated in ALBA Movements, on Monday ratified their strong support to the presidential elections to be held on July 28 in Venezuela.

The Continental Articulation of Social and Popular Movements said in a statement its solidarity as a sign of the “democratic vitality” of the Bolivarian Revolution, in addition to the right to sovereignty and self-determination of the Venezuelan people to celebrate their electoral process, “far from the attempts of interference of the United States”.

The organizations pointed out that they visited Venezuela on several times and witnessed its electoral system functioning which, like few others in the world, has transparency mechanisms that guarantee the accuracy of its results.

ALBA Movimientos pointed out that, unlike other Latin American and Caribbean democracies, Venezuela tested its electoral system on over 27 times in only 25 years, holding presidential, municipal and regional elections, referendums and consultations.

These elections, he said, were observed by international organizations that accredited their “veracity and transparency”, with technical mechanism, unlike, he said, the elections in other countries of the region.

He recalled that the so-called “international community” looks with concern at this electoral system, which has been recognized when the results favor the Venezuelan opposition, as occurred with the triumph in the Parliament in 2015 and in the regional elections of 2021, in which the right wing won several mayorships and governorships.

It is evident, he stressed, how his concern is expressed when it is not the interests of U.S. imperialism that can benefit.

When referring to the supposed “rejection” to the candidacy of María Corina Machado, it would be enough to recall the response of Comandante Chávez at the time, with the famous “eagle does not hunt flies”.

The text stated that the electoral schedule was defined within the framework of the Barbados Agreement together with the great majority of the Venezuelan opposition, who registered their candidates following the regular conduit of the National Electoral Council (CNE).
