Saturday, September 07, 2024
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UPAL claims right to land

San Salvador, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) 48 years after Land Day was established, the people of Palestine on Saturday claim their legitimate rights to freedom, independence and the return to the lands they were forced to leave, according to the Palestinian Union of Latin America (UPAL) while stressing that no matter how long the genocide and how much blood is shed by the occupation, the Palestinian people will not give up their land.

UPAL stressed that this anniversary takes place in tragic circumstances in which the “brutal Zionist aggression, genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced displacement and a war of hunger that the world has never before witnessed” intensified.

UPAL recalled the events that took place on March 30, 1976, when in response to the Israeli government’s announcement of a plan to expropriate large amounts of Palestinian-owned land for new Jewish settlements, Palestinians organized a general strike and numerous demonstrations in Israel’s Palestinian-majority cities.

But despite the blood that is being shed every day, the Palestinians remain firm, they are a people who do not and will not abandon their land and defend their identity.

UPAL points out that this Land Day anniversary takes place in the tragic circumstances experienced by the Palestinian people, which are different from all previous years since 1976.
