Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
Bandera inglesa
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name of Prensa Latina



Start of work on new prison in Ecuador generates rejection

Quito, Mar 26 (Prensa Latina) The beginning of the works for the construction of one of the new prisons in Ecuador generates rejection today on the part of the community members of the province of Santa Elena.

The new detention center will be located south of the Juntas del Pacífico commune, in that jurisdiction where military personnel have already begun soil studies.

The Federation of Ancestral Communes of the Province of Santa Elena (Fedecomse) expressed its total rejection to the construction of a new prison on the peninsular territory.

Fedecomse argued that there is no clarity about the polygon in which the infrastructure will be built on a 300 hectare plot of land reverted to the state by a mortgage.

Then the land for construction of the new prison was reduced to 50 hectares and later to 37 hectares, Fedecomse denounced, which also warned about the movement of coordinates outside the initial polygon, affecting third parties.

The communal landholders in this area fear the trafficking and dispossession of their lands and warned that property titles are appearing on a territory that is non-transferable and non-seizable.
