Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Argentine workers protest against layoffs and closures

Buenos Aires, Mar 26 (Prensa Latina) The State Workers Association (ATE) of Argentina will hold a national day of protests against the possible closure of organizations and the dismissal of thousands of people in the public administration.

The ATE announced the decision to carry out mobilizations and denouncing actions in the capital and other cities, since the labor contracts of 70 thousand persons expire at the end of this month and the Government of Javier Milei expressed its intentions not to renew them.

One of the rallies will take place in front of the Institute of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture, whose closure was announced last week by presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni.

“Layoffs are imminent. If we do not react and deepen our fighting plan, in the next few hours we will be facing a scenario of massive layoffs. The Government is trying to destroy the State and we have to resist,” said the general secretary of the union, Rodolfo Aguiar. “So far, all the Executive’s measures have been aimed at eradicating rights, destroying jobs, and demolishing the income of workers, retirees and popular sectors,” he added.

He also urged all labor unions to organize a new general strike, similar to the one carried out on January 24th. “We are not defending privileges, but public policies. We want a State at the service of the people and not of the interests of large corporations as Milei intends,” he stated.

In turn, the deputy secretary of ATE, Mercedes Cabezas, denounced an attack recently suffered by a militant of the Hijos group, formed by relatives of the victims of the last civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983) and persons who demand trial and punishment for those guilty of crimes against humanity. “We know that they want us to be afraid, but they are not going to paralyze us,” she said.

The members of the union also demand a salary increase to face high inflation, the reinstatement of dismissed workers, the continuity of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund, the increase in retirements and pensions, and the cessation of the plan to close and privatize public enterprises.
