Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Paraguayan cardinal criticizes arrogance of power

Asuncion, Mar 25 (Prensa Latina) Paraguayan Cardinal Adalberto Martinez called to organize Paraguay's society so that it is no longer managed by force and the arrogance of power, the newspaper Ultima Hora commented on Monday.

“If we let love organize our society, would we not have a different Paraguay?” the religious leader wondered during Palm Sunday Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral, the newspaper reported.

“Love, which drives us to want the good of our neighbor, is the basis for fraternity and social friendship,” the cardinal stressed before a large crowd of parishioners who came from different parts of the country.

During the liturgical celebration, the bishop of the Basilica of Caacupé, Ricardo Valenzuela, called on young people to express themselves “against those who manipulate reality and create a story to their convenience and have no problem in staining others in order to get their own way.”

The priest criticized “those who want to silence young people, those malicious authorities,” and explained that there are many ways to silence them, “to anesthetize and numb them so that they do not make noise, so that they do not wonder and do not question.”
