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President of Honduras highlighted CELAC’s plan for food security

Tegucigalpa, Mar 20 (Prensa Latina) President of Honduras Xiomara Castro, as pro tempore president of CELAC, highlighted the plan that the regional mechanism is developing to attain food security, nutrition and hunger eradication.

During her speech at the 38th session of the Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the head of State advocated transforming the economic model.

Castro expressed that at the recent summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), they recognized that, although this region produces and exports food, hunger, poverty and inequalities persist. “43 million people suffer from hunger and scarcity in Latin America,” she explained and stated that globalization has not solved the problems.

The president added that they have a long and arduous path ahead to eliminate the structural causes of dependence and exploitation to which natural resources and people have been subjected. She emphasized that the current situation regarding food insecurity and lack of employment, generates the economic model of globalization. That is why, Xiomara expressed, dialogue is necessary so as innovation and the construction of alliances to transform the agri-food program, people’s lives, and the protection of the environment.

According to the president, the plan 2024-2030 dealing with food security, nutrition and hunger eradication offers the first comprehensive proposal of policies that can serve as a basis to address, with determination, the problem of hunger and malnutrition.

In her intervention, Castro proposed immediate structural policies that take into account women, indigenous peoples, and farmers, as well as regulating the use of land, water, and the protection of biodiversity, production, and access to credit.

The dignitary urged to strengthen family farming, supply chains, and local markets, and address the impact of climate change, in addition to modifying the economic model, which should support producers and create incentives.

“In my capacity as pro tempore president of CELAC, I propose to modify the economic system and implement policies and measures to increase the production capacity of Latin American and Caribbean communities to turn these objectives into a reality,” she concluded.
