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Debate on literature and Internet at Cienfuegos Book Fair

Cienfuegos, Cuba, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Writers and experts debated on Friday about digital books and the influence of new communications technologies in the dissemination and promotion of literature at the International Book Fair in this city.

On Friday, writer Rafael Grillo Hernandez, from the Abril Publishing House, presented his digital book entitled, “” as part of the Fair’s Information Technology Program.

The speaker focused his discussion on the influence of the Internet and social media, which has triggered changes in publishing processes, shifting the publication of books, short stories and literary reviews to websites, blogs and digital social networks.

Cuban writer Abel Guelmes Roblejo further contributed to the debate with his experiences in digital and content marketing for the efficient management of blogs and social media and how to accomplish the positioning of Cuban authors’ books on the Internet, with digital tools that are within everyone’s reach.

During the morning session of the Cienfuegos Fair, the volume “Mecenas, historia de una editorial” was also presented, a compilation by Aida Eumelia Peñarroche and Dulce Maria Castellanos, one of the novelties of that publishing house in the 32nd edition of the Fair.

Participants attached importance to that text, which rescues the history of a territorial publishing house and contributes to make publishers, designers and authors visible and currently serves as reference material for research on literature and literary promotion.

The Cienfuegos 2024 Book Fair, as in the rest of the country, pays tribute to intellectual Isabel Monal and writer Francisco Lopez Sacha.
