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Venezuela condemned US interventionist attack against Nicaragua

Caracas, March 15 (Prensa Latina) President Nicolás Maduro today condemned the new interventionist attack undertaken by the United States against the people and Government of Nicaragua.

The head of state denounced in a statement the imposition of unilateral coercive measures in defense matters, which seek to affect the capacity of that Central American State “to guarantee the security and stability of the nation.”

This new expression of imperial arrogance manifests, in a clear and forceful manner, the continued contempt of the White House for international law and other fundamental principles of peaceful coexistence between states, contained in the United Nations Charter, said Maduro on behalf of the people and the Bolivarian Government.

Venezuela today ratified before the world “its unrestricted solidarity support for the people and Government of Nicaragua,” and reiterated its “deep admiration” for the Presidential Commander Daniel Ortega, and Vice President, Comrade Rosario Murillo. In addition to his “loving commitment to loyalty, resistance and daily defense of sovereignty, peace, stability” and the sacred right of the Nicaraguan people to continue building their well-being, he added.

The note vindicated the oath of love to the people and Government of Nicaragua taken by the Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez, on January 10, 2007: “Give me Nicaragua to serve it and it will have a son in me, and it will have in Venezuela a daughter, a sister, a companion.”
