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Italy reports its first liver transplant with robotic technique

Rome, Mar 14 (Prensa Latina) The first liver transplant with robotic technique in Italy was performed by a team of surgeons from the University Hospital of the Italian city of Modena, in the northern region of Emilia-Romagna, a spokesman said.

Professor Fabrizio Di Benedetto, announced at a press conference details of this surgical intervention, the third of its kind to be performed in the world, which was carried out in the department of Oncological, Hepatobiliopancreatic and Hepatic Transplants of the above-mentioned hospital.

According to a note published on the digital site of the newspaper Il Resto del Carlino, the operation was performed with the minimally invasive technique on a 66-year-old man suffering from cancer, who was discharged four days after the operation and is now completely recovered.

The specialist pointed out that the application of this technique made it possible to perform the hepatectomy with the abdomen closed, guaranteeing safety and vascular control after the removal of the diseased liver, with a small incision of 10 centimeters around the navel, to extract this organ and house the new donated one.

This type of intervention is one of the most complex in abdominal surgery, and previously only those performed at Washington University in St. Louis, United States, as well as another one performed at the Curry Cabral Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, have been reported, according to the news media.
