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Putin said there will be no red lines if Russia’s are ignored

Moscow, Mar 13 (Prensa Latina) Russia will not have red lines in the face of those nations that say they do not have them with Moscow, President Vladimir Putin warned in an interview with the director of the Rossiya Segodnya group (RT), Dmitri Kiseliov.

In the interview, broadcast this Wednesday by the Rossiya 1 channel and the RIA Novosti Agency, the president recalled that there are small countries in Europe that urge intensifying the said policy against Russia and adopting radical measures such as sending troops and others because they think that their statements will have no consequences. “But those who know that they will suffer the consequences behave more moderately, and it is the right thing to do,” he stressed, referring to Germany and other countries.

Also in the interview, Putin stressed that the presence of military contingents from other countries in Ukraine will not change the situation on the battlefield. “Military personnel from Western countries have been present in Ukraine for a long time, even before the coup d’état, and after this, their number has multiplied. Now they are in the country as advisors or mercenaries, and they are suffering losses,” he recalled. “But if these were official military contingents from foreign countries, I am sure that this would not change the situation on the battlefield. That is the most important. In the same way that supplying weapons has not changed a thing,” he said.

Regarding British- and US-made missiles used by Ukraine, he added that neither will they influence the reality of the ongoing war.

Commenting on the recent leak of a conversation between high-ranking officers of the German Bundeswehr about a possible attack on the Kerch bridge in Crimea and the shipment of Taurus missiles to Ukraine, the Russian president stressed that the reasoning of German officers on the matter is no more than fantasies. “They are also trying to intimidate us. As for Berlin, there are constitutional problems there. They say correctly: if these Taurus missiles were to hit part of the bridge, which, of course, even according to their concepts is Russian territory, this would be a violation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany,” he emphasized.

According to Putin, the German opposition is behaving even more aggressively. “We will see what they agree on, we are following it very closely,” he said.
