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Mexico supports the United Nations international mission on Haiti

Mexico City, Mar 12 (Prensa Latina) Mexico will support the United Nations Security Council international mission on Haiti, which will be led by Kenya, Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena reported.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a piece of information with Barcena’s statements during the high-level meeting on Haiti, to which the official was invited by the Prime Minister of Guyana, who chairs CARICOM.

The United States, Canada, France, Mexico and Brazil, among others, are also participating in the debate on the very difficult situation faced by Haiti, “which has fallen into the hands of gangs, who have taken charge or have taken the reins of a poor country, very unequal, with many problems,” Barcena said.

“What is being decided is how a transition can be made with governability to reach new elections, and a presidential council be created with specific responsibilities, which can also designate or nominate a prime minister, nominate an electoral council, and move forward with this transition with order and security,” the official said.

“There have been also debates about the international mission, which will be greatly supported by all countries, as has been decided. And Mexico will also, of course, support this mission, especially in species, that is what we can do best, and in the training of police, that is what we have been doing, we have trained more than 720 Haitian police officers.”

Barcena reminded that they have given shelter to many Haitians in their transit to the United States; “We have welcomed them in Mexico, even with shelter, with employment. But, the truth is, what we are betting on is that migration is an option, not an obligation. Haiti must find its way, Haitians themselves must “Haitianize” their country, so that they feel that this process is theirs and, therefore, look for a way out that can lead them towards peace, security and development.”
