Saturday, September 07, 2024
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President Ramaphosa calls for a ceasefire in Sudan

Prensa Latina, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, called for a cease-fire in Sudan when he held a dialogue here with the vice-president of the Sovereign Transitional Council of the Republic of Sudan, Malik Agar Eyre Nganyoufa.

According to a presidential statement, Ramaphosa “welcomed the briefing and expressed South Africa’s support for dialogue between the warring factions” in that nation.

The immediate ceasefire, the President said, would alleviate the suffering and humanitarian catastrophe facing the Sudanese people, especially women and children.

During the meeting with Nganyoufa, which focused on the current situation in Sudan, Ramaphosa expressed his intention to meet with General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereign Transitional Council as part of South Africa’s mediation efforts in that conflict.

According to the text, the purpose of the meeting was “to brief the President on peace developments in Sudan”.
