Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Lebanon calls on Arabs to reject Israel in support to Gaza

Beirut, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Islamic Jihad, Muhammad al-Hindi, called here today on Arabs not to treat Israel, either in terms of crossings or in the import of goods.

During his speech at the Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous (The Royal Promise) conference, the representative emphasized that the Resistance protects the Palestinian people and still dominates and controls the countryside after 150 days of Israeli massacres.

Despite the widespread Western support, Al-Hindi stressed that the occupying entity failed to release its prisoners, and after the war in Gaza Israel’s weight will decrease in the region.

Speaking amid the negotiations, the Jihad representative noted that whether the truce agreement is approved or not, the political battle will continue and parties in the region and abroad will intervene in it to try to subjugate the resistance.

Incidentally, he warned that even if the ceasefire agreement is approved, the war will not stop, especially against Rafah.

On the occasion, he considered it ironic that the United States gives Israel weapons to kill innocent people and “throws some crumbs of aid through airplanes”.

He also indicated that the Arab regime is helpless and silent, and such behavior is in complicity and sees the resistance as a threat to its interests.
